Ada Zanolo, I bambini guardano, olio su tela
© Giorgio Dall’Igna – Giorgio Dall’Igna
Ada Zanolo (1914-2007)
19.05.2012 / 17.06.2012
The retrospective exhibition, curated by Luciano Marigo and Giuseppe Piazza, in collaboration with cafèCinque, is a tribute to Schio artist Ada Zanolo, a protagonist of this city’s cultural life in the XX century. She was an art teacher in Schio schools and an esteemed painter, engraver and sculptor who felt an enduring connection to her city and her land.
The exhibition includes 90 oil paintings, 100 watercolours and 30 sculptures, that tell us the story of a sensitive woman, attentive towards others and the world around her. Through her work she attempts to read and interpret her world, trying to go beyond the substance of things.
But this isn’t just and exhibition: the works, all coming from a donation to the Cappuccini convent, including a series of paintings that had remained in the artist’s studio until her death in 2007, are on sale in order to collect money for charity as she requested. She who was so generous, donated her art in order to help others and do some good.
The exhibition includes a critical review which retraces the phases of Ada Zanolo’s life.
Credits: © photographic references by Giorgio Dall’Igna